Biography Uwe Larsen
This opened a totally different world of close-up nature photography from butterflies to details of flowers and structures of leafs.
For my nature photography I was especially inspired by the work of the painter Franz Marc, photographers like Andreas Feininger, Anselm Adams, Eliot Porter, W. Bentley, Karl Blossfeldt and the work of Ernst Haeckel. In the sense how to look at nature and to protect it,- and in the sense that each and every living being, non-living things and physical phenomena like the rainbow, the magical blue of the sky, the metamorphosis of water reveal the mystery of the creation,- ideas and stimulus came from Goethe, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, Chief Seattle, Michel Serres and last but not least from my mother.
During all the years of photography with different types of cameras, especially the Contax 137 MA Quartz with Zeiss lenses and digital Nikon and Olympus cameras, my focus was the photography of patterns, structures, forms and colours in nature: nature’s design.
Over more than 30 years I was in search to find those basic principles of nature’s design which reveal that nature is not only a great engineer but most of all an outstanding artist. In photographing nature’s design,- be it a landscape, tree, wildflower meadow, butterfly or the metamorphosis of water,- I feel to be a part of nature where the birds are brothers and sisters as Francis from Assisi had expressed it so wonderful. With the photographs I try to convey the intimate detail and abstract quality of the natural world. All photographs are works of art by nature as artist performed by me as scout and craftsman celebrating the wonders of nature.