Photographic aspects of Water Metamorphoses
All photographs were taken on small stretches of water in the nature without changing the natural conditions. Frost patterns of window frost, so called “ice-flowers”, were discovered on single-pane windows.Analogue cameras with slide films as well as digital cameras were used. Technical details:
Long- time exposure using a tripod at ISO 25 – 100, aperture 11 – 22 with lenses 105 mm macro and 50 mm. Neither filters nor artificial light were used.
There was no manipulation of the images. When editing the slide-scans and the digital images the focus was to reproduce the colours as natural as possible and to match them to the original transparencies. This was professionally manufactured by:
The magical blue which one can find in ice patterns is created under specific conditions dependent on the amount of oxygen in the ice as a result of physical phenomena like the dispersion of light and the absorption of most of the light-frequencies/colours of the spectrum but the blue.
The original size in the nature of most of the images was between a postcard and a sheet of writing paper.